The parish pastoral council exists for pastoral planning at the parish level. It aims to involve a broad cross-section of the parish to help discern the parish's mission of evangelization, catechesis, and pastoral care. The Council promotes community, is a sign and witness of unity, and assists the Pastor in pastoral planning. It works with the pastor in his duties to discern God's will and determine the pastoral program of the Parish.
Parishioners are welcome to attend Pastoral Council meetings. If a parishioner has a subject he or she wishes to address at the Pastoral Council, the parishioner submits a request to the Chair of the Council or the Parish office no later than 14 days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Council. It is at the discretion of the Pastor to add the issue to the agenda.
The council meets at least four times a year, and works with the Finance Council to approve the parish budget.
The next regular Pastoral Council meeting is at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, May 8, in the rectory.
The Finance Council assists the Pastor in administration of parish financial resources. In accord with Diocesan guidelines, the Pastor should consult the Finance Council concerning any major commitment of parish resources for capital expenditures in excess of $5,000. The Finance Council also assists and advises the Parish Business Manager in his/her service to the parish.
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